Species list
This table provides a list of Annex II species types which occur in the UK
and for which one or more SAC is designated.
A list of habitats and species
which have priority status (a priority habitat or species is one in danger of
disappearance and for which there is a particular responsibility to conserve)
is available via
The National Archives.
Invertebrate species: molluscs | No. of SACs |
1013 Geyer's whorl snail [Vertigo geyeri] | 7 |
1014 Narrow-mouthed whorl snail [Vertigo angustior] | 5 |
1015 Round-mouthed whorl snail [Vertigo genesii] | 3 |
1016 Desmoulin's whorl snail [Vertigo moulinsiana] | 9 |
1029 Freshwater pearl mussel [Margaritifera margaritifera] | 26 |
4056 Ramshorn snail [Anisus vorticulus] | 3 |
Invertebrate species: arthropods | No. of SACs |
1044 Southern damselfly [Coenagrion mercuriale] | 10 |
1065 Marsh fritillary butterfly [Euphydryas (Eurodryas, Hypodryas) aurinia] | 33 |
1079 Violet click beetle [Limoniscus violaceus] | 3 |
1083 Stag beetle [Lucanus cervus] | 5 |
1092 White-clawed (or Atlantic stream) crayfish [Austropotamobius pallipes] | 10 |
4035 Fisher's estuarine moth [Gortyna borelii lunata] | 2 |
Vertebrate species: fish | No. of SACs |
1095 Sea lamprey [Petromyzon marinus] | 23 |
1096 Brook lamprey [Lampetra planeri] | 18 |
1099 River lamprey [Lampetra fluviatilis] | 21 |
1102 Allis shad [Alosa alosa] | 6 |
1103 Twaite shad [Alosa fallax] | 6 |
1106 Atlantic salmon [Salmo salar] | 35 |
1149 Spined loach [Cobitis taenia] | 5 |
1163 Bullhead [Cottus gobio] | 18 |
Vertebrate species: amphibians | No. of SACs |
1166 Great crested newt [Triturus cristatus] | 32 |
Vertebrate species: mammals | No. of SACs |
1303 Lesser horseshoe bat [Rhinolophus hipposideros] | 13 |
1304 Greater horseshoe bat [Rhinolophus ferrumequinum] | 11 |
1308 Barbastelle [Barbastella barbastellus] | 9 |
1323 Bechstein's bat [Myotis bechsteinii] | 9 |
1349 Bottlenose dolphin [Tursiops truncatus] | 3 |
1351 Harbour porpoise [Phocoena phocoena] | 7 |
1355 Otter [Lutra lutra] | 74 |
1364 Grey seal [Halichoerus grypus] | 13 |
1365 Harbour seal [Phoca vitulina] | 12 |
Lower plant species | No. of SACs |
1386 Green shield-moss [Buxbaumia viridis] | 2 |
1390 Western rustwort [Marsupella profunda] | 3 |
1393 Slender green feather-moss [Drepanocladus (Hamatocaulis) vernicosus] | 10 |
1395 Petalwort [Petalophyllum ralfsii] | 14 |
Higher plant species | No. of SACs |
1421 Killarney fern [Trichomanes speciosum] | 1 |
1441 Shore dock [Rumex rupestris] | 10 |
1528 Marsh saxifrage [Saxifraga hirculus] | 6 |
1614 Creeping marshwort [Apium repens] | 1 |
1654 Early gentian [Gentianella anglica] | 13 |
1831 Floating water-plantain [Luronium natans] | 14 |
1833 Slender naiad [Najas flexilis] | 5 |
1902 Lady's-slipper orchid [Cypripedium calceolus] | 1 |
1903 Fen orchid [Liparis loeselii] | 3 |