Lyme Bay and Torbay
Country | England |
Unitary Authority | Extra-Regio |
Centroid* | SY314840 |
Latitude | 50.651 |
Longitude | -2.97 |
SAC EU Code | UK0030372 |
Status | Designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) |
Area (ha) | 31246.73 |
* This is the approximate central point of the SAC. In the case of large, linear or composite sites, this may not represent the location where a feature occurs within the SAC. |

General site character
Marine areas, Sea inlets (100%)
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Note When undertaking an appropriate assessment of impacts at a site, all features of European importance (both primary and non-primary) need to be considered.
Annex I habitats that are a primary reason for selection of this site
1170 Reefs
This site is situated mostly within the Western English Channel and Celtic Regional Sea and lies off the south coast of England off the counties of Dorset and Devon. The site comprises of two main areas containing Annex I ‘reef’ and ‘sea cave’ habitat. The reef features extend over a large area. Unlike other sites within the Lyme Bay and Torbay site, they do not extend directly out from the coast but occur as outcropping bedrock slightly offshore. The softer sediment habitats are commonly found between the bedrock or cobble / boulder areas. Examples of the classical wave-eroded sea caves are found at all the sites of different levels and rock types.The site is indicative of offshore reef and has particularly high species richness and identified it as a marine biodiversity “hot spot.
A large number of infralittoral sea caves have been identified within Torbay and the surrounding coastline from Mackerel Cove in the north, to Sharkham Point in the south. Examples of the classical wave-eroded sea caves are found at all the sites. They occur in several different rock types, and at levels from above the high water mark of spring tides down to permanently flooded caves lying in the infralittoral zone.
Annex I habitats present as a qualifying feature, but not a primary reason for selection of this site
- Not Applicable
Annex II species that are a primary reason for selection of this site
- Not Applicable
Annex II species present as a qualifying feature, but not a primary reason for site selection
- Not Applicable
Many designated sites are on private land: the listing of a site in these pages does not imply any right of public access.