Bann Estuary
Country | Northern Ireland |
Unitary Authority | Northern Ireland |
Centroid* | C797363 |
Latitude | 55.1675 |
Longitude | -6.7492 |
SAC EU Code | UK0030084 |
Status | Designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) |
Area (ha) | 348.37 |
* This is the approximate central point of the SAC. In the case of large, linear or composite sites, this may not represent the location where a feature occurs within the SAC. |

General site character
Tidal rivers, Estuaries, Mud flats, Sand flats, Lagoons (including saltwork basins) (30%)
Salt marshes, Salt pastures, Salt steppes (7%)
Coastal sand dunes, Sand beaches, Machair (40%)
Bogs, Marshes, Water fringed vegetation, Fens (14%)
Humid grassland, Mesophile grassland (7%)
Broad-leaved deciduous woodland (2%)
Download the Standard Data Form for this site (PDF <100kb)
Note When undertaking an appropriate assessment of impacts at a site, all features of European importance (both primary and non-primary) need to be considered.
Annex I habitats that are a primary reason for selection of this site
2130 "Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation (""grey dunes"")" * Priority feature
Bann Estuary in Northern Ireland contains a series of three sand dune systems, which are part of the same physiographic unit. The most morphologically diverse are at Portstewart, where transverse dune ridges are up to 30 m high. ‘Grey dune’ is the most extensive vegetation community and is dominated by marram Ammophila arenaria and red fescue Festuca rubra. Short sward communities within this are characterised by a floristically diverse range of herbs and in places lower plants. Lady’s bedstraw Galium verum, wild thyme Thymus polytrichus and wild pansy Viola tricolor are widespread.
Annex I habitats present as a qualifying feature, but not a primary reason for selection of this site
Annex II species that are a primary reason for selection of this site
- Not Applicable
Annex II species present as a qualifying feature, but not a primary reason for site selection
- Not Applicable
Many designated sites are on private land: the listing of a site in these pages does not imply any right of public access.