Solway Mosses North
Country | Scotland |
Unitary Authority | South Western Scotland |
Centroid* | NY203597 |
Latitude | 54.92527778 |
Longitude | -3.243611111 |
SAC EU Code | UK0012907 |
Status | Designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) |
Area (ha) | 648.78 |
* This is the approximate central point of the SAC. In the case of large, linear or composite sites, this may not represent the location where a feature occurs within the SAC. |

General site character
Bogs, Marshes, Water fringed vegetation, Fens (91%)
Broad-leaved deciduous woodland (6%)
Coniferous woodland (3%)
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Note When undertaking an appropriate assessment of impacts at a site, all features of European importance (both primary and non-primary) need to be considered.
Annex I habitats that are a primary reason for selection of this site
7110 Active raised bogs * Priority feature
Solway Mosses North has two components, Longbridge Muir and Kirkconnel Flow. Longbridge Muir is an extensive raised bog and one of the few remaining unafforested examples in this area. The site contains a large area of active mire with good quality peat-forming vegetation. Extensive surface patterning is present. Longbridge Muir includes areas which have been drained and afforested but which form an integral part of the overall peat mass. Work is in progress to restore this area, supported by an EC LIFE project. Kirkconnel Flow is low-altitude estuarine moss, around one-third of which consists of active raised bog, but the majority of the site has been invaded by tree and scrub cover. Nevertheless, extensive areas of good quality active bog remain, and this will be enhanced by work currently in progress to restore the degraded component, also supported by EC LIFE funds.
Solway Mosses North has two main components, Longbridge Muir and Kirkconnel Flow. Longbridge Muir is an extensive raised bog and one of the few remaining unplanted examples in this area. The site contains a large area of active mire with good quality peat-forming vegetation. Extensive surface patterning is present. While the bulk of the site is 7110 Active raised bog, Longbridge Muir includes areas which have been drained and planted but which form an integral part of the overall peat mass. Work is in progress to restore this area, supported by an EC LIFE project. Kirkconnel Flow is low-altitude estuarine moss, around one-third of which consists of 7110 Active raised bog, but the majority of the site has been invaded by tree and scrub cover. Nevertheless, extensive areas of good quality active bog remain, and this will be enhanced by work currently in progress to restore the degraded component, also supported by EC LIFE funds.
Annex I habitats present as a qualifying feature, but not a primary reason for selection of this site
- Not Applicable
Annex II species that are a primary reason for selection of this site
- Not Applicable
Annex II species present as a qualifying feature, but not a primary reason for site selection
- Not Applicable
Many designated sites are on private land: the listing of a site in these pages does not imply any right of public access.